
1.Enquiry—12th,Oct 2010
Buyer's Message

Subject: I'm interested in your ramie solid dying fabric,ramie piece dyed fabric,solid dyed ramie fabric

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

we're looking for a ramie or linen supplier, because we are having a 100% ramie sample pant here which should be produced.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,



3.1st feedback on 12th,Oct 2010

Dear xxx,

Thanks very for your inquiry.

I am Gavin from Goldentex,a professional ramie,linen fabric and garment factory in China.All our products are excellent in quality and competitive in price. We are annually exporting more than 10 million meters ramie,linen fabric and 2.5 million pcs of garments to the worldwide such as Italy,Germany,France,Turkey,South Korea…

Sincerely hope to establish business relationship with yr esteemed company in the near future. And I believe both of our business will be blooming after our cooperation.As to the 100% ramie pants,could you pls kindly send that original sample to us for analysing and quotation.

Any query,pls feel free to contact me.

Best Regards

Sales Supervisor


Dear Gavin,

Thanks for your kind message – I will send you the ramie sample now to:


Attn: Gavin
Please be so kind to send me the quotation incl. sample pant in dark grey and black colour back to my reference.

Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Dear xxx,

Well noted with tks.Will quote best price to you once received yr original sample.
Any query,pls feel free to contact me.

Best Regards
Sales Supervisor

Dear Gavin

Okay thanks, the UPS tracking number is:******

Please be so kind to quote in linen and cotton too – what kinds of fabric do you offer?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Dear xxx,

Tks for yr kindly email.

Waiting for yr original sample,once received them,will analyze specification and quote
best price to you.Goldentex is a professional ramie and linen fabric,garments factory,
working with oversea company more than 10 years.Offering greatest products and service
plans per clients' detailed requests.

Any query,pls feel free to contact me.

Best Regards
Sales Supervisor

Dear xxx,

Confirmed received yr original sample this morning.After analying the specification and measuring the
pants measurement with M size,we can only quote approx price to you as below:
Pure Ramie Pants USD5.70/Pc FOB Shanghai;
MOQ: 5000 pcs/order; 2000 pcs/design(colour),200 pcs/size

Whenever you propose more detailes,such as total measurement charts,special packing...,Thus exact price
can be quoted per detailes.

You refered to quote linen cotton fabric too in last mail?How to understand?Do you mean use linen cotton
fabric to make pants per yr original sample?But how's the specification?Pls kindly advise yr comments.

Waiting for yr prompt reply.

Best Regards
Sales Supervisor
Dear Gavin,

Thanks for your kind message, but 5,70USD is really too expensive - please be so kind to quote the same pant in all over linen fabric and all over cotton fabric.

Regarding the sample, it should be exactly the same in size M - size S, L and XL should be arrange proportional to this pant size M EU standard in dark grey and black colour.

Please be so kind to get back to me asap!

Best regards,

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Amy Amy 当前离线
魅力1815 点阅读权限150贡献41 值精华20积分215 分注册时间2011-10-11最后登录2012-9-18帖子1442积分5044

注册时间2011-10-11最后登录2012-9-18帖子1442积分5044串个门 加好友 打招呼 发消息   发表于 2012-3-5 12:36:33 |只看该作者
Dear xxx,

Tks for yr prompt reply!

Compared with linen cotton and pure linen fabric material,making yr pants by ramie fabric is the lowest.M size is the smallest
one,so I am afraid the average price wll be USD5.80/Pc.I trust our pirce is very competitive,and you can compare the price
with other suppliers.

Could you pls kindly advise yr approx order quantity for referrence?Can match our MOQ or not?If there is any other query,
pls feel free to let me know.

Best Regards
Sales Supervisor

Dear Gavin,

Thanks for your kind message again – size S will be the smallest size, the sample you got is size M.

Please be so kind to quote the pant in full linen and full cotton fabric too and arrange samples in dark
grey and black colour, right!?

After receiving the samples, we’ll discuss about the quantities and colours.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Dear xxx,

Tks for yr mail.

We will calculate price of pants which made by linen cotton and pure linen material
as well as similar weight to yr original sample.And will quote to you later.

Pls kindly advise yr approx quantity for our referrece,if it's below our MOQ,there is
difficult for us to make that order.Hope you can be kindly understanding.

As to the sample pants making,we ususally charge sample cost from clients,and will
reture it back after bulk order.Is it available for you?Pls kindly advise yr comments.

Best Regards
Sales Supervisor
Dear xxx,

Good day to you!

Well received stamped PI from yr esteemed company.Could you pls kindly
let me know when I can receive yr T/T copy of 50% deposit?We plan to
start the fabric making firstly,I need yr T/T copy to finacial department
for order confirmed,hope I can receive it ASAP,Tks for yr kindly understanding.

Best Regards
Sales Supervisor

Dear Gavin,

Thanks for your kind message – payment has been done already, I will send you the payment proof later on today.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,


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